Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Donna finds Moe the Mouse some Just Right Books

Hello Friends,

I love to find those  “Just Right Books”.  Nothing is more satisfying than to choose a book for a special friend that is exactly what they wanted or, even better; uncovers a unique strength or interest that they have.  

 Well, I am feeling pretty good about myself because the books that I found for Moe this Christmas were a huge hit. 

(I took pictures of the covers so you could see the beautiful illustrations but -alas-I can't seem to get them to upload)

 He spent hours in his little book burrow reading and picture browsing.  Moe  enjoyed them so much he invited all his Forest Friends to come to his book burrow and read with him. 
When I first noticed that there was always a long  line of animals  waiting for their turn to get into Moe’s cozy little book burrow, I felt proud of Moe for encouraging all of his Forest friends to become strong readers.

However, when I took a closer look I noticed that many of the animals were getting a bit chilled and some had to leave young ones alone in their dens while they slipped away for a nice afternoon’s read.

That got me wondering if Moe and I could put our heads together and think of ways for Moe to share his books with all of his friends.
So one snowy winter evening we brainstormed (using Owl’s problem solving charts of course) and we came up with some pretty awesome ideas!

Our first idea was that Moe would write up a Book Chat about each of his new books.  You know, like a “Ted Talk”, but it would be called a  “Moe’s Book Talk”. Moe could tell his friends  what the book was about and why it was such a good read.  He wouldn’t “spill the beans” or anything.  He would give  just enough info to hook the reader. We thought Raven would be a good choice for delivering the Moe Talk all across the land.   (He likes to chat and it would make him feel very important and smart.)

Our next brilliant idea was that Moe’s new magic canoe could make deliveries to any household that wanted to read one of the books.  (It would be kind of like a Flying Book Canoe-mobile lending library). Moe really liked this idea because he admitted he needed practice flying his new canoe that he got for his birthday.

Moe and I are very good brainstormers.  We came up with some pretty crazy ideas- like asking Moose to carry snacks or cozy reading socks in his antlers and deliver them  to each den.  This would enhance the reading experience.

After a good deal of discussion, we decided the Moe Book Talks and the Flying Canoe-Bookmobile  were just what the  Forest needed. 
Moe got right on the Book Chats.  Little Children and Forest Animals, listen for Raven’s  noisy calls and you will hear the scoop on each book. Who knows, you might like the book too. (Moe’s canoe can deliver to your house-remember it is magical!)

Moe’s Book Talk #1
The Night Before Christmas by Clement C. Moore Illustrated by Cindy Szekeres
This is a book that is not just for those of us that are in the mouse family.  Oh, my! Those first few pages showing my beautiful little home   are breathtaking.  The artist has captured my creative use of a holly leaf to decorate my front door and included the mouse snowman that the kids made yesterday.

The first few lines of this story sets the whole adventure up nicely.
‘Twas the night before Christmas when  all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.  The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas would be there.

The writer of this story has a way with words. In fact, the whole story is all in a rhyme.  I especially like the part where he talked about how the moon makes the fresh fallen snow give the “lustre of miday to objects below”!  (Wasn’t the full moon spectacular this Christmas!)
And Eagle Family, I wonder what you will think about the part where St. Nick’s  sled full of presents travels “more rapid than eagles”?
I give this book a “paw up” because it gets everyone ready for a special December visitor and the rhymes are fun.
P.S. I wonder what you were doing the night before Christmas.  Send me a picture.

Moe Talk/Book Chat #2
The Gruffalo’s Child by Julia Donaldson,
 Illustrated by Axel Scheffler
Now here is a story that might frighten the little ones, but it is a thrilling and clever adventure story.  
Here is how it starts out:
The Gruffalo explains that no Gruffalo should ever set foot in the deep dark wood because the BIG BAD MOUSE will be after you.  The father Gruffalo tells his son that this mouse is “terribly big and terribly bad”.
Now isn’t that the best start to a book.  I won’t spill the beans but the book makes my entire family look pretty darn smart!

Oh and here is another hint at the talks about this Christmas’s full moon.  Read it and find out the ending then let’s talk about it at the next Book Burrow Club meeting.
P.S. Let me know if you know any shadow-games.  They are so fun!

Moe’s Book Talk # 3
A Very Merry Christmas by Maudie Powell-Tuck Illustrated by Gill Guile

Mr. and Mrs. Mouse are having a party.  The problem is that every guest arrives with the strangest things.  I mean, who brings a dinosaur cake to a Christmas party!
When Bear brings his cactus tree to the party Mr. Mouse says “enough is enough!”
This book has a happy ending.  What do you think turns Mr. Mouse’s frown upside down?

Moe Book Chat # 4
Inside Outside Christmas by Robin Spowart.

Inside and outside, mice families are celebrating the winter holidays.  This book is full of rhymes that are fun to “mingling and jingling and munching and crunching”.  The last few rhymes show the mice family caring and sharing.  Oh Moe, this book is just like your beautiful family! 

 Moe’s Picks

Well friends, I thought you might be interested in a few more titles.  Nothing is better that curling up in a snug little den with a good book.  I plan to add these to the Magic Flying Canoe-bookmobile Collection.   Just send out the word via Raven and I will paddle them to you as fast as I can.

1.  I Have Feelings by Jana Novotny Hunter Illustrated by Sue Porter

2.  The tale of Two Mice –A Cat and Mouse Tale by Ruth Brown

3.  The Story of Jumping Mouse by John Steptoe

4.  Maisy’s Colours by Lucy Cousins

5.  Mouse’s First Christmas by Lauren Thompson illustrated by Buket Erdogan

6.  Merry Christmas Mouse! By Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond

7.  The Special Christmas Tree by Catherine Walters and Simon Taylor-Keilty

8.  The Opposites by Monique Felix

Till later friends of the Forest and Little Children,

Moe the Mouse (Chief Librarian)
and Moe’s good friend, Donna (Librarian Assistant)
for the Magic Flying Canoe Bookmobile.

Happy Winter Celebrations to all critters and humans alike.
Donna, the Book Lady

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